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Apr 29, 2019

Excited to have Brandon Lilly on the podcast. If you don't know who he is you need to google him!

Apr 24, 2019

If you enjoy my podcast please tell your friends!

Apr 23, 2019

My man Dave is a badass motivator! Check him out!




Dave Daleymm All his social media FB IG Linkdin Twitter

Apr 16, 2019

Jeff Kirkham talks about the Rats Tourniquet! If you don't know who he is you need to google his ass!

Apr 1, 2019

There was once a man who wanted to change the world.

After much time, when he couldn’t, he decided he wanted to change his nation.

After more time passed and nothing changed, he decided to change his village.

More time passed and no change was made, so he decided to change his family.

When he couldn’t change his...